How should I start with FreshFrozen for Pets? Isn't this too complex? Will my dog still like his kibble when travelling? What about the cost? These are questions often asked by pet owners who see the benefits of FreshFrozen food but are unsure how to get started with FreshFrozen food for their pets.
However, it is quite simple. It all starts with the realisation that you do not need to switch completely from your current diet to FreshFrozen food for your dog or cat, despite the messages you sometimes read online that kibble should not be mixed with FreshFrozen food.
Feel free to compare it to our situation. We too alternate between cold food and hot food, easily digestible food and less digestible food, healthy food and less healthy food. Why would this not be possible for your pet? Indeed, nonsense.
Even if you only feed FreshFrozen one day a week, your pet will be better off than if he did not get our FreshFrozen food at all.
To determine how much FreshFrozen food to give your dog, just use our simple 3-step plan.
Probably the easiest step. However, it is important to look at your dog's target weight and not his current weight.
The target weight is the weight your dog should have when he is neither too skinny nor too fat. In this case, the ribs are slightly visible and easy to feel. Your dog has a thin layer of fat and a well-balanced waist. The muscles at the back are clearly visible and the bones at the start of the tail are slightly visible.
For more information:
This is a personal choice. Some people go straight for 100% FreshFrozen food, others prefer to do 50/50 on a daily basis, and still others choose to add FreshFrozen food as a sort of healthy 'dressing' to the kibble and give 25% FreshFrozen a day. And if you run out of FreshFrozen food, it will be a day without meat.
In the 5 columns of our table you can choose how much you want to give on a particular day: FreshFrozen only, 75%, 50%, 25% or a day without FreshFrozen.
Once you have determined your dog's target weight and the percentage you wish to give your dog every day, you can see from the table how many grams of FreshFrozen and how many grams of kibble you should give your dog. If your dog's target weight is 15kg and you wish to feed 50% FreshFrozen, you should feed 200g of FreshFrozen and 90g of pellets.
There are 3 ways of feeding frozen food to your dog
Whatever you do, remember that every day FreshFrozen is a healthy dat for your dog.
And how is it for puppies or for cats? The principle is exactly the same but a little more complex. That is why we are happy to help. Feel free to send us a message via our contact page and we will be happy to get you started.
Bon appetit!